Hi. I am Racquel Domonique

I believe you will greatly benefit from these next 7 Days if you allow yourself to.

Have you ever worry about anything? Pemit me for a moment to speak to you from my heart. At 22 years old no none prepared me on how to navigate the thresholds of my mental space in order to maintain balance in marriage and motherhood. Both roles and duties come with a lot of responsiblities - coupled with running businesses as well. If you do not equip youself with the right tools, you can become overwhelmed leading to a mental overload or even breakdown or worst yet depression. The problem with this equation is, as a wife [or spouse for that matter] and mother, it will ultimately affect your marriage and relationship with those whom you care about including your child/ children.

Thankfully, I was spared from depression but not worry or occasional bouts of anxiety. I almost accepted the "it comes with the territory" mentality but the still small voice within would'nt allow it. So I embarked on one of the most fun-filled 7-day transformational journeys to reverse what could have lead to a mental breakdown. Today, I am smiling because I have claimed victory from the process. I now know exactly how to deal with worry and anxiety and I know you can too.

"Remember, information without appliction does not produce transformation."

You Are Already There!

Each part of the title of the book was carefully thought out with divine impressions.

"You are ready there": the state of peace you seek is not a distant goal but something that can be realized in your present moment.

"For" prompts you toward purpose or goal, while "Better Days" signifies a positive outcome or a time when your circumstances are improved or more enjoyable.

The aim of this guide is to offer you insights, advice, and encouragement to support you on your journey toward brighter and more hopeful days. It's a call to action and a reminder that even in difficult times, there are better days ahead.

Louisiana, USA

"This was a great read. It had a lot of marriage conusel and understanding. I loved the activities for those of us who are kinetic. I plan to implement what I have learned in my own marriage. Get the book!"

Florida, USA

" A recommendation of gentleness seems so simple yet profound. Sometimes we dont even recognize that's all it takes. I am definitely going to try the activitiy."


"The Book is very nice. I am up to chapter 1 already. I am proud of you sis. It is nicely written and relateable."

Example Curriculum

Start Your 7-Day Transformation Today!


For a Limited Time Only, You May Get This 7-Day Transformational Journey for half the price when you choose to BUNDLE UP with the Unlocking Bliss: 15 DAY Joy for Marriage Course.